The 22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults focuses on the development of literacy skills to create and engage with a range of familiar and less familiar paper-based and web-based text types of limited complexity. The focus is on reading, interpreting and evaluating everyday texts and developing mathematical knowledge to apply numeracy skills in everyday familiar situations. Skills and knowledge are applied to develop and document a learning plan and prepare a portfolio. 

The course provides learners who have low literacy and numeracy skills with the opportunity to build confidence, re-engage with learning and pathway into AQF qualifications. 

Your training will focus on: 

  • How to plan, prepare and undertake various types of projects
  • Participating in spoken interactions
  • How to work with numbers, money and measurements
  • How to identify and engage with community groups

Graduates at this level will have foundational cognitive and communication skills to:

  • clarify project goals with an appropriate support person, plan, carry out, document and evaluate a project
  • develop, implement and review learning goals
  • read, interpret and evaluate familiar and less familiar texts

AST auspices this accredited course to secondary schools so their teachers can deliver it to secondary school students as part of their VET studies.

Assessment may consist of:

  • Practical demonstration
  • Written answers to questions
  • Scenario-based assessments

All students will engage in a language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LLND) activity to evaluate potential support requirements.

The 22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults consists of 16 units:

  • Core – 2 units
  • Core Skills Reading and Oracy – 3 units
  • Core Skills Writing – 3 units
  • Core Skills Numeracy and Mathematics – 4 units
  • Special interest electives – 4 units

Core units include:

VU22384 Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio
VU22385 Plan and undertake a project

This qualification is offered to secondary schools on a fee-for-service basis, where a fee is charged for each individual student’s enrolment.

Please contact us for the current year’s auspicing fees.

I would highly recommend AST and if I decide to do more study I will definitely be using AST.

Course Participant Heidi

Access Skills Training was the best experience for me, and the best thing that I could have done.

Course Participant Kylie

I have recently completed my Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care through AST under the guidance of Carley who has been absolutely incredible as a trainer. The online studies made it fit into my busy life schedule, anywhere. I would highly recommend AST to anyone looking to get into the Early Childhood Education field.

Course participant Rebecca

Thoroughly enjoyed completing my cert 3 and 4 in disability with AST, and am now working in a very rewarding career.

Course Participant Joanne