The SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services encompasses the basic skills and knowledge needed for those wanting to work in the retail sector.

This qualification reflects the role of frontline retail team members who use a defined and limited range of operational skills to undertake workplace activities. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under the direct supervision of others.

Your training will focus on: 

  • Understanding what is the retail sector made up of
  • How to engage with customers
  • How to contribute to workplace health and safety
  • How to work effectively in the retail sector, including:
    • Organising personal work requirements
    • Advising on products and services
    • Identifying and responding to security risks

AST auspices this qualification to secondary schools so their teachers can deliver to secondary school students as part of their VET studies.

Job roles vary across different industry sectors and may include:

  • Retail Assistant
  • Customer Service Assistant
  • Point-of-Sale Operator
  • Front Office Assistant

Assessment may consist of

  • written answers to questions
  • role plays
  • holistic assessment

Evidence may be 

  • written 
  • audio recordings
  • video recordings
  • observation
  • Zoom recording
  • interview
  • documents

All students will engage in a language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LLND) activity to evaluate potential support requirements.

The SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services consists of 12 units:

  • 7 core units
  • 5 elective units

Elective units will vary depending on consultation with industry.

Core units include:

SIRXCEG001 Engage the customer
SIRXCOM001 Communicate in the workplace to support teams
SIRXIND001 Work effectively in a service environment
SIRXIND003 Organise personal work requirements
SIRXPDK001 Advise on products and services
SIRXRSK001 Identify and respond to security risks
SIRXWHS002 Contribute to workplace health and safety


This qualification is offered to secondary schools on a fee-for-service basis, where a fee is charged for each individual student’s enrolment.

Please contact us for the current year’s auspicing fees.

I never had any problems communication with my trainer and they were always helpful and supportive! Thank you for believing in me but most importantly helping me believe in myself!

Course participant Crystall

I have recently completed my Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care through AST under the guidance of Carley who has been absolutely incredible as a trainer. The online studies made it fit into my busy life schedule, anywhere. I would highly recommend AST to anyone looking to get into the Early Childhood Education field.

Course participant Rebecca

Completed Cert IV in Disability with AST online, trainers were extremely helpful and the online portal was easy to navigate. Would highly recommend AST.

Course Participant Emma

I would highly recommend AST and if I decide to do more study I will definitely be using AST.

Course Participant Heidi